Interview with Terry Chai

The second EP Japan Tsunami Recovery Team went to Japan  from 5-18 August 2011 to help with the tsunami relief. The trip was lead by Terry Chai. The team work under CRASH Japan. The following is an interview by  Monica Ito of Crash Japan with Terry Chai - who is from All Saints Presbyterian Church.

Monica: Please share with us one story on how you saw God working during your time in the disaster area?

Terry: On 16th Aug, 14 of us from Crash Japan, joined other volunteers: local and foreign to clear debris from a farm land very near the waterline in the port area of Kesennuma. Before we start work, we announce aloud that as Christian from Crash Japan, it is our practice to pray before work. We also announce to the 70 of us there, those who wish to, can join us in prayer. We did not count but beside the 14 of us from Crash Japan, we were joined by more than 10 if not same no of us from Crash Japan. We were stuck with awe with what God can do to stir the hearts and how ripe is the harvest He has shown us. A vision I see that God fearing people from different nations, different races, different languages gather together in tribute and reverence to our Lord.

Monica: Please share with us a few pictures from your trip with CRASH.

Terry: This man was seen weeping quietly when we were at Rikuzentakata on 7th Aug for the Takata festival after Sunday service at nearby Japan Bethel Mission Church. It reminds me there is so much to do: clear the debris and destruction but also to clear the heart and spirit for a new Hope in Christ for an everlasting treasure that cannot be swept away by any tsunami. He did not know I took a picture of him, as I was leaving the place.

My prayer is that one of us could reach out to him.

I am in the centre, on the left is a 19 year old team leader, full of spirit to help, deep thinking man and strong in compassion. He and his able older assistant have been volunteering in Kesennuma since it all began.

My vision is for them to know the Lord and the thought that Japan could see a revival in Christ through such young people hailing not only from Iwate or  the Sendai area but all over Japan. Just with the 2 days together, they learned to call me brother!

A fun photo but nevertherless, very important one.

By humorous misunderstanding thinking I was providing ice cream for our group of 20 volunteers: 6 including myself from Crash Japan and 14 non Crash Japan volunteers, I was force to and also prompted by the Holy Spirit to buy them ice cream with the help of a driver from a non volunteer centre group working within the compound. Of the 14 non Crash Japan volunteers in this photograph, we managed to connect and speak of the gospel with 10 of them. 3 have said they will visit a church in their home town, 1 likely to read the bible again and all 10 we have their email addresses and will follow up with them.

Base camp and the volunteers themselves have called this the "Ice Cream Connection" which God provided for us.

Monica: We appreciate your help and hope you have been blessed as you have blessed the people in the Tohoku.