EP Japan Mission Trips

2024 Trips

Since October 2023, we have been able to resume our Mission Trips to Japan. We thank God for this. All trips in 2024 are now closed. We are currently working on the trips schedule for 2024. If you want to find out more about 2025 trips, you may also approach the EPJM Advocate in your church or drop us a message.

2024 Trip Dates:

5-14 March (Closed)

13-22 April (Closed)

17-27 May (Closed)

27- 5 June (Closed)

8-17 June (Closed)

14-23 September (Closed)

12-21 October (Closed)

9-18 November (Closed)

14-23 December (Closed)

Stay in touch with us to be updated on 2025 dates

Please Note:

  • Every trip requires a Team Facilitator and if one cannot be found the trip will not go ahead. Pray with us for His provision and purpose
  • Team recruitment is closed once the trip is full or when training starts
  • Attendance to all trainings is compulsory
  • First time trippers will need to go through an interview.

How can you join a trip?

Please fill in the enquiry form below with the dates that you are interested or anything else you may have enquiries about

EPJM Enquiry